Technology: Splunk is the most used server for collecting data from different sources, indexing the collected data, analyzing the index data, preparing the reports based on indexed data. The source of data may be from any environment and the source may be structured format or unstructured format. Splunk provides some intelligent algorithms to understand the indexed data used in security, IoT machine logs, and application logs and provides the analytics of the data provided.

Splunk Data Sources: Splunk supplies a huge range of plugins to support different resources like for understanding windows event logs it supplies one plugin, for understanding Ubuntu machines logs it provides a various plugin. On the research of logs based Splunk will create the no of times the Operating system is loaded, the average CPU load in period, how many various users logged into the system, it will create the reports and it can also create a controlpanel for live data streaming.

Scalability: Splunk will not depend upon any outside services and it doesn`t necessity any database support, because Splunk internally uses a file system to store the indexed results. If the incoming data is increasing we can add another instance of the Splunk server to index and store the data. Splunk will internally communicate and it will distribute the incoming data and during the searching, it will collect the data from all Splunk servers and display it to the user. If we enable decrease then incoming data is distributed to more than one Splunk server.

Infinite control without losing granularity. Some monitoring products only permit you to keep so many months, weeks, or even days’ worth of data. Anothers decrease the granularity of older events, compressing various data points into one because of volume limits. The same is not true for Splunk. It can actually index hundreds of terabytes per day and hold practically limitless amounts of data.

Customize and extend Splunk with preferred technologies: Immediately change dashboards into HTML5 and create custom user experiences in HTML5 and JavaScript with the Splunk Web Framework. Use Python, Java, Ruby, C#, and PHP SDKs to combine Splunk capacity into developer workflows. Customize and extend Splunk with preferred technologies: Instantly convert dashboards into HTML5 and create custom user experiences in HTML5 and JavaScript with the Splunk Web Framework. Utilize Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, and PHP SDKs to combine Splunk capacity into developer workflows.

Developer Tools: Splunk supplies plugins for Visual Studio for .NET-based applications, Eclipse and IntelliJ for Java-based applications, Splunk-logging plugin for Javascript, and it supplies plugin of Topmost of NodeJS, and also we can Splunk-Bunyan-logger plugin for javascript to gather HTTP Events.

The Splunk SDK for Java ships with built-in support for IntelliJ for simple combination. Spring Source organized the Spring Combination Extension for Splunk, making it simple for developers using the famous Java framework Spring to log directly to Splunk from their applications.

HTTP Event Collector (HEC): Splunk Event Collector is the fastest way to send data to Splunk Enterprises server and Splunk Cloud. HTTP Event Collector enables to send data over HTTP and HTTPS protocol directly to Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud from application code. HEC provides the one rest endpoint to accept incoming data, in our application we can write to send data to the rest endpoint. HEC is authorized using tokens so that we don’t need to hard code the username and password details.

HTTP Event Gatherer supplies a new way for developers to send application logging and metrics directly to Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud via HTTP in a highly important and secure manner.

 Enabling HTTP Event Collector:

1.     We can turn on HTTP Event Collector by enabling its endpoint, by default HEC is not enabled.

2.     Generate HEC Token.

3.     On the client end create POST request to include authentication header or key/value pair to include HEC token.

4.     POST data to HEC token receiver.

For Splunk Cloud instance it is not enabled, we can raise a request to Splunk cloud to enable HEC token.

Connecting to Splunk Server using Splunk SDK:

We can add the Splunk jar ( ) to project class path or we can download splunk-sdk from and we can extract splunk jar from splunk-sdk-java/dist folder.

Below the sample java program to connect to Splunk server and printing the application on it.


public class SplunkTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create a map of arguments and add login parameters

ServiceArgsloginArgs = new ServiceArgs();





// Create a Service instance and log in with the argument map

Service service = Service.connect(loginArgs);

// Print installed apps to the console to verify login

for (Application app : service.getApplications().values()) {





We can either user ServiceArgs or Service constructor to pass host and port details.


public class SplunkTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// A second way to create a new Service object and log in

Service service = new Service(“localhost”, 8089);

service.login(“admin”, “changeme”);

// Print installed apps to the console to verify login

for (Application app : service.getApplications().values()) {





Using same token across all applications:

Service class creates token after login, it will use this token for all subsequent requests.



public class SplunkTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Service service = new Service(“localhost”, 8089);

String credentials = “admin:changeme”;

String basicAuthHeader = Base64.encode(credentials.getBytes());

service.setToken(“Basic ” + basicAuthHeader);

// Print the session token

System.out.println(“Your session token: ” + service.getToken());

// Print installed apps to the console to verify login

for (Application app : service.getApplications().values()) {





For example, if you wish to use the same session token on various customers that are retrieving a single Splunk Enterprise instance, you can log in on one customer, get the session token applying the Service.getToken method, and after pass that token to another customers to use when they log in (use the Service.setToken method).We can also merge to Splunk Enterprise by accessing primary access approve, for example if you have various Splunk Enterprise instances behind a load balancer and wish to use the same session token for all. To build a token using a primary access header, Base64-encode a string with your authorization in the format “username: password” and prepend the authorization method (“Basic”).

Integrating Splunk with Spring Applications:

The Spring Integration adapter for Splunk includes 2 adapters:

·         Inbound Channel Adapter to find data from Splunk.

·         Outbound Channel Adapter to force event data into Splunk.


Spring integration gives namespace for splunk, it will acesses the spring integration adapter for splunk internally.

Generating beans for splunk server object.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<beans xmlns=””




<int-splunk:server id=”splunkServer” host=”somehost” port=”8089″ userName=”user” password=”password” owner=”admin”/>


Outbound Channel Adapter: Outbound channel adapter is used to put data into Splunk from channels in Spring Integration. There are 3 kinds of method to put data:

Submit (HTTP REST)



The major dissimilarity using the REST inputs vs plain TCP/UDP inputs is truly in the Splunk event handling pipeline.

With REST, you have to announce your event metadata (index, source, source type…) in the HTTP request at the source. You can’t truly change the log event more after you have made and sent it to Splunk. Typically though, for customers using REST, this is fine because they are well shaping their log events before sending them anyway: no more processing and manipulation is needed.

<int-splunk:outbound-channel-adapter id=”splunkOutboundChannelAdapter” auto-startup=”true” order=”1″ channel=”outputToSplunk” splunk-server-ref=”splunkServer” pool-server-connection=”true” sourceType=”spring-integration” source=”example” ingest=”submit”>


With TCP inputs, modify the event data in Splunk before it gets indexed (using entrys in props.conf/transforms.conf). The event metadata (index, source, source type…) gets announced on the Splunk side when you start the TCP/UDP input and can also be dynamically created,so essentially you have a lot more control over the indexing of the event data.

<int-splunk:outbound-channel-adapter id=”splunkOutboundChannelAdapter” auto-startup=”true” order=”1″ channel=”outputToSplunk” splunk-server-ref=”splunkServer” ingest=”tcp” tcpPort=”9999″/>

To use outbound channel adapter with stream, you can define the adapter as following:

<int-splunk:outbound-channel-adapter id=”splunkOutboundChannelAdapter” auto-startup=”true” order=”1″ channel=”outputToSplunk” splunk-server-ref=”splunkServer” ingest=”stream”/>

Inbound channel adapter is used to get data out of Splunk and put into Spring Integration’s channel. There are 5 ways to get data out of Splunk:


·         Blocking

·         Non blocking

·         Saved search

·         Realtime

·         Export


<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id=”splunkInboundChannelAdapter” auto-startup=”true” search=”search spring:example” splunk-server-ref=”splunkServer” channel=”inputFromSplunk” mode=”blocking” initEarliestTime=”-1d”>

<int:poller fixed-rate=”5″ time-unit=”SECONDS”/>


Where mode is one of the above 5 types.

Using log frameworks to log into splunk servers.

Splunklogging provides the jar provides appenders for most used logger frameworks.

java.util.logging handler for logging to Splunk REST endpoints

java.util.logging handler for logging to Splunk Raw TCP Server Socket

java.util.logging handler for logging to Splunk HEC Endpoint

Log4j appender for logging to Splunk REST endpoints

Log4j appender for logging to Splunk Raw TCP Server Socket

Log4j appender for logging to Splunk HEC Endpoint

Logbackappender for logging to Splunk REST endpoints

Logbackappender for logging to Splunk Raw TCP Server Socket

Logbackappender for logging to Splunk HEC Endpoint

Log4j 2 appender for logging to Splunk HEC Endpoint

Log4j 2 config examples for TCP and UDP logging

For example if we want to use Rest services we can include below configuration in










So that it will be logged automatically.

Conclusion:  In this article, java developmentcompany India have clarified the uses of Splunk in Java. Splunk is the software to receive the log messages and do index using log messages and supplies the metrics using log messages. It gives the SDK and logging frameworks for connecting to Splunk Enterprises and Splunk Cloud. Spring Integration gives an adapter for connecting Splunk severs also it gives a namespace for generating Splunk-related beans.

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Ethan Millar

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